Does your relationship feel one sided!
Relationships are hard. In some cases, a person can be stuck in a toxic relationship for years, never realizing that the relationship has been damaging them from the beginning. When a person finally comes to terms that they are stuck in a toxic relationship, they may feel as if they will never be able to escape and that things can only get worse and generally do, with no other option but to eventually leave.
However, before leaving a relationship the first thing a person should do is have a conversation with their partner. They should ask outright if they believe their relationship is toxic and what their thoughts are about it.
If the partner becomes defensive or refuses to negotiate anything, then it is time to leave the relationship. This is not a healthy relationship because if it was and you expressed your concerns then your partner should care about how you feel. They should also want to try and make the relationship work, not just for their needs and on their terms but also your needs must be considered.
What should you do?
The next person that you should confide in is a trusted family member, friend, health professional for some support.
There are many different options, and you need to find the one that you feel most comfortable with. When I was in a similar situation with my toxic partner and was seeking a therapist and other modality, the one thing I would recommend when asking anyone for help would be to make sure you ask the straight-out question...
“Can you give me a money back guarantee if you can’t get my desired outcome?”
Personally, I don’t believe you’re thinking straight when you go seek help because you are usually distressed, confused and just want the pain to go away, and people know this, so they are happy to take your money in exchange for a service without giving you your desired outcome.
Why would you waste your time, money and the trauma of having to re-live your heart-breaking story for years if the method is not a guaranteed outcome.
Who really cares if you have a PHD in front of your name or if you have studied for 7 years to become a professional in your field if you can’t guarantee the client fast, profound and long lasting results. It’s always baffle me why people in the mental wellness industry drag out the pain for years with a client. Maybe it's because some people just aren't ready for help yet and they still unknowingly want to stay in the pain and feel like a victim. So therefore, we need 1st respondent therapies or modalities to help these people to move into awareness.
How do you know if you've moved into awareness mode?
The way you will know if you have moved out of victim mode and into awareness will be, you will start to get tired of telling your story and have tried so many modalities or therapy's, self-help books, etc which are no longer serving you because you’re still feeling stuck and have just had enough of it and want a solution. If you have started to accept that you need to own your part in the problem of staying to long in a toxic relationship then this will help you to get the right help to be able to heal. Now you can start to take the real action steps to healing and feeling happy every day.
Not just anyone can have a transformation, you will need to qualify for the sessions that have been kept a secret from women for many years and was specifically designed for the female brain to help a woman to get amazing fast results.
There are hundreds of positive testimonials coming out everyday on YouTube for this revolutionary method, so if this sounds like something you would like to know more about and you would like to see if you qualify for Creatrix(R) Transformation Sessions then book in a Free 15-minute Discovery Call from the bookings tab above.